What happens if you don’t call the police after an accident NJ?

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What happens if you don’t call the police after an accident NJ?

Acci­dents hap­pen, and when they do, it’s always a stress­ful sit­u­a­tion. It’s impor­tant to remem­ber in such an instance that call­ing the police is always the cor­rect course of action. Even if you don’t think that any­one was seri­ous­ly injured and the dam­age is min­i­mal, there are still sev­er­al impor­tant rea­sons why you should call the police after an acci­dent in New Jer­sey. Read on to learn more about why call­ing the police after an acci­dent is a must.

Don’t Fret — Let the Police Handle It!

In the midst of an acci­dent, it can be hard to remem­ber that the police are there to help. But they are! The police can help pro­vide an unbi­ased view­point and ensure that any med­ical needs are tak­en care of prop­er­ly. The police can also help to col­lect evi­dence and take state­ments from those involved in the acci­dent. This could prove to be invalu­able should you need to take legal action against the oth­er par­ty involved. The police will also make sure that every­one is fol­low­ing the prop­er pro­to­col and that the nec­es­sary steps are tak­en to prop­er­ly doc­u­ment the accident.

Accidents Happen — Call the Cops!

In New Jer­sey, the law requires that all acci­dents which involve prop­er­ty dam­age of more than $500 be report­ed to the police. In addi­tion, any acci­dent which involves per­son­al injury must be report­ed as well. It is impor­tant to remem­ber that even if the dam­age appears min­i­mal or you don’t think any­one was injured, it is still impor­tant to call the police and report the acci­dent. Doing so can help pro­tect you from poten­tial law­suits down the road, as a police report can serve as a valu­able source of evi­dence should the need arise.

Fur­ther­more, fail­ure to report an acci­dent with­in the allot­ted time frame can result in a hefty fine. This can be espe­cial­ly true if the acci­dent occurred on the high­way. In this instance, the police must be noti­fied with­in 24 hours. Fail­ing to do so could result in a $150 fine, which increas­es up to $500 if the acci­dent involves prop­er­ty dam­age or injury.

At the end of the day, it is always impor­tant to call the police after an acci­dent in New Jer­sey. Even if the dam­age appears min­i­mal and you don’t think any­one was injured, it is still impor­tant to report the acci­dent. Doing so can help pro­tect you from poten­tial law­suits and make sure you don’t face hefty fines for fail­ing to report the inci­dent. So remem­ber, if an acci­dent occurs, no mat­ter how minor, call the police!

Car Accident?
What to do Next?

Car acci­dents can be a trau­mat­ic expe­ri­ence, and the after­math can be over­whelm­ing. If you or loved one has been injured in an acci­dent in New Jer­sey, it’s impor­tant to hire a qual­i­fied car acci­dent lawyer. Get expe­ri­enced legal rep­re­sen­ta­tion and access to experts who can help you get the out­come you deserve.

Don’t go through this dif­fi­cult time alone, con­tact a Car Acci­dent Lawyer in New Jer­sey today.
